The Pros and Cons of workin in 8TV
After a workin for the very first week at 8tv, Media Prima, I would lik to share wif everyone the pros and the cons of it.
1. You get to know a lot of | 1. You DONT get paid as an intern!
people {from the CEOs of | {I noe, sad rite?! Such a big
8TV to all the interns and | company but cant afford to pay
including all the cleaners | an interns!} *sigh*
in the office - I only mean |
8TV at Level 3; because d |
office of 8tv is very small |
although Media Prima is a |
very huge building!} |
2. You'll get superb nice | 2. If you happen to be unlucky,
and friendly Manager, | like being sort out to another
Exec, Supervisor and | prod. / team, you wont able to
seniors if you so happen | even talk about jokes or anythin
to be so LUCKY lik me! | wif the team coz they either nt
Who enter Special Group | interested o they dun care!
Projects team members! | {They wont praise you even if u
{Coz they really treat me | r hardworkin and they'll sound u
very good and warm | if you are slow and when their
since the 1st day I work | mood is bad, they love to show
and they'll only go mad | their temper on interns ma...and
on Fri, Sat and Sun; bcoz | I'm so lucky I'm not under these
of Live Shows! Trust me, | kinds of 'stress giler' team!}
dont ever make trouble |
4 them on these few days, |
they might explode!=p} |
3. You get to attend 8TV | 3. If you get to attend any of the
live shows like OIAM, | events, you most probably can
One In A Million) UPG, | only ciao by 12/1/2/3/4am!
(Ultimate Power Group) | {Depending which location it'll
Youth Tour and many more | be held at}
events besides from 8TV. |
4. As a Special Group | 4. If you get to go outstation,
Projects member, you'll | u nid to reach office by 6am
get to travel around a lot | and come back on KL on the
within states to do all the | day itself, no such things as
roadshows & events. | stayin overnite! {If you fly
{Can be fun and tiring at | to Sabah in the morn, you'll
the same time as I dont | oso nid to ciao by evening
get to travel that much!} | and reach KL at 2/3am}
5. You are mostly free on | 5. If any execs/manager catches
the weekdays except on | doin nuthin, they might sound
Fridays if you are SPG | you... So, so free is also
member coz no events is | very dangerous!
usually held on weekdays |
except Fridays. {I get to |
even help out to answer |
calls and jaga receptionist |
place whenever she's busy} |
6. You'll get to read all sorts| 6. You'll hav to read it fast-
of local newspapers | fast, and try avoidin to read
everyday to get updated! | newspapers in front of seniors
{Newspapers are alwiz on | o even managers... {They might
time where once I reach | thinks you are too free;
work, it's there, waitin for| although you are!}
me to flip the pages!} |
7. They have this fusball thing| 7. You cant actually play wif
where we can play wif it | it coz all the CEO's is around
durin lunch break o even | coz even they work until afta
after finish workin,6pm | 8pm! =D So, you most probably
{Only 8TV hav tis where | can touch it on Sat and Sun!?
others in Media Prima |
doesnt hav and it's said |
that this table is prepare |
for ppl especially when |
they nid to relax their |
mind and to brainstormin |
durin a meeting!} |
8. There is a "Junk Food" | 8. This is the reason y I'm
section where the staff | becomin more unhealthy!
prepare a lot of junkie | {So bad, I put blame on it!
foods (my fav) on containers| but, it's so tempting and
that is neatly arrange in | I cant resist it la, since
a shelf! They hav Koko | the sect. is so darn close
Crunch, Muruku, Love | to the 'Intern Table'!!! =p
Letters, Cloud9, Cadbury's |
ZIP, NIPS, jell-o, oat |
biscuits, lotz sweets and |
many more! {And most |
importantly, it's FOC!} |
9. After foods, now,I should | 9. Drink too much oso not good
move on to the drinks | la! Can get kencing manis
section! In 8TV office, | wan la... So, it's not good
we also hav "Hot Drinks | to lik drink so many times la!
Machine" which include | {Coz they alwiz out of paper
Kopi-O, Milo, (my fav) | cups and Milo! So, muz alwiz
Teh Tarik, Mocha, | tink of other ppl la! Drink 2
Cappuccino, White Coffee | times enuff ad la! =p }
and Coffee! {And yup, |
it's FOC too!} |
10. You'll get to play Facebook|10. It's ok to play but try to
and MSN chat everyday! | avoid being seen by CEO or
{FYI, Everyone is into | the Execs la! {Pandai-pandai
Pet Society too! Addictor! | la, but usually it's ok wan
Muahahaha! Trust me, it's | la... I mean if you are senior
not me who intro to them | and not intern la! =p }
although I nid as much |
fren as I can in my list!} |
11. You can save your money |11. The price is much cheaper
from eatin expensiv foods | than 1U but the foods they
and save energy from | offered is only mamak and
walkin to 1U {Coz in | also mixed rice malay style
Media Prima, we hav | oni... and as usual, the
cafeteria and also Kedai | Kedai Runcit = 7 Elevan,
Runcit tat sells everythin;| slightly more expensive lo,
from reload cards to one | but juz tat they oni open fr
sticks of cigarette! Oh, | 9am to 6pm lo...
a clinic & even Maybank ATM |
machine too! =D} |
12. You get to see and bump |12. Can, of coz you can snap
into many local celebrities| pictures wif celebrities
walkin around the buildin | but dun la too obvious o
if you happen to be lucky! | get too excited bout it
;) {Yup, even those | la coz it's office ma...
celebrities that you dun |
like! Yucks~} |
13. You dun nid to dress to |13. If you're lucky, you'll
impress that much and you | get tees that hav the
wont nid to tink wat to | word 'CREW' behind the
wear specifically when you | shirt o else, it's juz
hav FOC 8TV Tees to wear! | a normal tees wif 8TV
=p {You wont get any award | logo on it... Of coz not
if u wore a tube wif mini | that 'cun' la... =p
skirt to work!} |
14. Media Prima office is so so|14. And pls do not wander
big and enourmous! You can | around in the buildin
easily go for ahide a walk | alone at nite bcoz
if you want to! =) | guards told us they saw
{Beware, you might | long hair woman in white
actually get lost too! | wandering around the area
It's so deep wif so many diff | at nite esp 3rd floor! *creepy!*
***These are the few pictures that describe some of the number above --->
Ppl often mistaken that the most bottom sect
is a rubbish bin! it's NOT! And it actually contains
more biscuits packs and drink packs!
My 1st week workin, I
ad get to participate in OIAM 3! =)
1. You get to know a lot of | 1. You DONT get paid as an intern!
people {from the CEOs of | {I noe, sad rite?! Such a big
8TV to all the interns and | company but cant afford to pay
including all the cleaners | an interns!} *sigh*
in the office - I only mean |
8TV at Level 3; because d |
office of 8tv is very small |
although Media Prima is a |
very huge building!} |
2. You'll get superb nice | 2. If you happen to be unlucky,
and friendly Manager, | like being sort out to another
Exec, Supervisor and | prod. / team, you wont able to
seniors if you so happen | even talk about jokes or anythin
to be so LUCKY lik me! | wif the team coz they either nt
Who enter Special Group | interested o they dun care!
Projects team members! | {They wont praise you even if u
{Coz they really treat me | r hardworkin and they'll sound u
very good and warm | if you are slow and when their
since the 1st day I work | mood is bad, they love to show
and they'll only go mad | their temper on interns ma...and
on Fri, Sat and Sun; bcoz | I'm so lucky I'm not under these
of Live Shows! Trust me, | kinds of 'stress giler' team!}
dont ever make trouble |
4 them on these few days, |
they might explode!=p} |
3. You get to attend 8TV | 3. If you get to attend any of the
live shows like OIAM, | events, you most probably can
One In A Million) UPG, | only ciao by 12/1/2/3/4am!
(Ultimate Power Group) | {Depending which location it'll
Youth Tour and many more | be held at}
events besides from 8TV. |
4. As a Special Group | 4. If you get to go outstation,
Projects member, you'll | u nid to reach office by 6am
get to travel around a lot | and come back on KL on the
within states to do all the | day itself, no such things as
roadshows & events. | stayin overnite! {If you fly
{Can be fun and tiring at | to Sabah in the morn, you'll
the same time as I dont | oso nid to ciao by evening
get to travel that much!} | and reach KL at 2/3am}
5. You are mostly free on | 5. If any execs/manager catches
the weekdays except on | doin nuthin, they might sound
Fridays if you are SPG | you... So, so free is also
member coz no events is | very dangerous!
usually held on weekdays |
except Fridays. {I get to |
even help out to answer |
calls and jaga receptionist |
place whenever she's busy} |
6. You'll get to read all sorts| 6. You'll hav to read it fast-
of local newspapers | fast, and try avoidin to read
everyday to get updated! | newspapers in front of seniors
{Newspapers are alwiz on | o even managers... {They might
time where once I reach | thinks you are too free;
work, it's there, waitin for| although you are!}
me to flip the pages!} |
7. They have this fusball thing| 7. You cant actually play wif
where we can play wif it | it coz all the CEO's is around
durin lunch break o even | coz even they work until afta
after finish workin,6pm | 8pm! =D So, you most probably
{Only 8TV hav tis where | can touch it on Sat and Sun!?
others in Media Prima |
doesnt hav and it's said |
that this table is prepare |
for ppl especially when |
they nid to relax their |
mind and to brainstormin |
durin a meeting!} |
8. There is a "Junk Food" | 8. This is the reason y I'm
section where the staff | becomin more unhealthy!
prepare a lot of junkie | {So bad, I put blame on it!
foods (my fav) on containers| but, it's so tempting and
that is neatly arrange in | I cant resist it la, since
a shelf! They hav Koko | the sect. is so darn close
Crunch, Muruku, Love | to the 'Intern Table'!!! =p
Letters, Cloud9, Cadbury's |
ZIP, NIPS, jell-o, oat |
biscuits, lotz sweets and |
many more! {And most |
importantly, it's FOC!} |
9. After foods, now,I should | 9. Drink too much oso not good
move on to the drinks | la! Can get kencing manis
section! In 8TV office, | wan la... So, it's not good
we also hav "Hot Drinks | to lik drink so many times la!
Machine" which include | {Coz they alwiz out of paper
Kopi-O, Milo, (my fav) | cups and Milo! So, muz alwiz
Teh Tarik, Mocha, | tink of other ppl la! Drink 2
Cappuccino, White Coffee | times enuff ad la! =p }
and Coffee! {And yup, |
it's FOC too!} |
10. You'll get to play Facebook|10. It's ok to play but try to
and MSN chat everyday! | avoid being seen by CEO or
{FYI, Everyone is into | the Execs la! {Pandai-pandai
Pet Society too! Addictor! | la, but usually it's ok wan
Muahahaha! Trust me, it's | la... I mean if you are senior
not me who intro to them | and not intern la! =p }
although I nid as much |
fren as I can in my list!} |
11. You can save your money |11. The price is much cheaper
from eatin expensiv foods | than 1U but the foods they
and save energy from | offered is only mamak and
walkin to 1U {Coz in | also mixed rice malay style
Media Prima, we hav | oni... and as usual, the
cafeteria and also Kedai | Kedai Runcit = 7 Elevan,
Runcit tat sells everythin;| slightly more expensive lo,
from reload cards to one | but juz tat they oni open fr
sticks of cigarette! Oh, | 9am to 6pm lo...
a clinic & even Maybank ATM |
machine too! =D} |
12. You get to see and bump |12. Can, of coz you can snap
into many local celebrities| pictures wif celebrities
walkin around the buildin | but dun la too obvious o
if you happen to be lucky! | get too excited bout it
;) {Yup, even those | la coz it's office ma...
celebrities that you dun |
like! Yucks~} |
13. You dun nid to dress to |13. If you're lucky, you'll
impress that much and you | get tees that hav the
wont nid to tink wat to | word 'CREW' behind the
wear specifically when you | shirt o else, it's juz
hav FOC 8TV Tees to wear! | a normal tees wif 8TV
=p {You wont get any award | logo on it... Of coz not
if u wore a tube wif mini | that 'cun' la... =p
skirt to work!} |
14. Media Prima office is so so|14. And pls do not wander
big and enourmous! You can | around in the buildin
easily go for a
if you want to! =) | guards told us they saw
{Beware, you might | long hair woman in white
actually get lost too! | wandering around the area
It's so deep wif so many diff | at nite esp 3rd floor! *creepy!*
***These are the few pictures that describe some of the number above --->
is a rubbish bin! it's NOT! And it actually contains
more biscuits packs and drink packs!
ad get to participate in OIAM 3! =)
So, I'm not sure it's good or bad workin at Media Prima... What do you think about it? Will you try to intern at Media Prima after what I had presented to you? Anyways, in my opinions, I'm above the fence bout workin at 8TV... I believe it will somehow leave both, good and bad memories while workin in 8TV... But now, I'm somehow part of 8TV family ad! =D I do feel proud at the moment (although I dun get paid and I've been assign not under any dept tat is related to my course at all!) bcoz I enjoy what I'm doin now! ;)
What do you think? Leave me a comments bout how u feel bout tis! K?
Till then, take care! I'm so gonna be busy everyday includin weekends! I hav OIAM 3, UPG and more events to come! Gonna b darn tired!
Signin off....
What do you think? Leave me a comments bout how u feel bout tis! K?
Till then, take care! I'm so gonna be busy everyday includin weekends! I hav OIAM 3, UPG and more events to come! Gonna b darn tired!
Signin off....
My name is Sasha. I am actually in the process of applying for my internship. Am looking at 8TV at the moment. Is it okay if I get your contact/email to ask you some questions about it? Thanks!
I'll see wat I can do o help u then! ;)
Which college o Uni r u from? And wat course?