Ouch! It hurts!
Wanna noe what I do at office?! =p
Come n follow me! *peep*
Helpin my supervisors on 'cop'pin the stamp onto the contestant's family tickets from Top 12 live show to Top 2 live show... Then at help to 'jaga' receptionist place while my senior go makan... I juz dun und, why muz there be a people to jaga the receptionist when it's break time and people shud noe and I bliv they wont so stup go and call office and find people durin break time rite?! Aih~ Jaga receptionist juz to receive 'barang' from mailer oni lo... Nuthin much... And I'm not pickin up any phone calls yet coz I seriously do not noe how to answer the calls, transfer the calls o even givin any extension no. to the people who had called in! And it's actually not my job! It's juz tat she find me as her 'victim' alwiz... Dunno y... Do I look lik so easy to be bullied?! =p Fine, nvm, at least I get to learnt sumthin what (juz by sittin at receptionist counter)! =D
Though I reach office alwiz late for few min, but I dunno why, I alwiz ciao tepat pada masanya! =p Notti me! I'm so dead if any of my seniors saw this o even my evaluation lecturer! LOL! =D
Nuthin much happen today... It's juz tat I injured my leg at my comp table coz I too syok playin Pet Society ad... Blood start to oozing out but I oso still dun care to rub it off or do anythin to it.. I juz let it drip onto the floor! =p And fyi, it's darn pain! OUCH~ I noe, serve me right ma! Hmph~ But hor, Pet Society rulez lor! Muahahaha!
Few titis of blood oni la... Dun pengsan ar! =p
Come n follow me! *peep*
Helpin my supervisors on 'cop'pin the stamp onto the contestant's family tickets from Top 12 live show to Top 2 live show... Then at help to 'jaga' receptionist place while my senior go makan... I juz dun und, why muz there be a people to jaga the receptionist when it's break time and people shud noe and I bliv they wont so stup go and call office and find people durin break time rite?! Aih~ Jaga receptionist juz to receive 'barang' from mailer oni lo... Nuthin much... And I'm not pickin up any phone calls yet coz I seriously do not noe how to answer the calls, transfer the calls o even givin any extension no. to the people who had called in! And it's actually not my job! It's juz tat she find me as her 'victim' alwiz... Dunno y... Do I look lik so easy to be bullied?! =p Fine, nvm, at least I get to learnt sumthin what (juz by sittin at receptionist counter)! =D
Nuthin much happen today... It's juz tat I injured my leg at my comp table coz I too syok playin Pet Society ad... Blood start to oozing out but I oso still dun care to rub it off or do anythin to it.. I juz let it drip onto the floor! =p And fyi, it's darn pain! OUCH~ I noe, serve me right ma! Hmph~ But hor, Pet Society rulez lor! Muahahaha!
Pain ler! Of coz la! The blood drippin pattern lik at a crime scene lik tat ar! It's juz tat not so 'over' la, lik a pool of blood... Not tat much la... So dun worry.. But seriously, I'm walkin lik a how a fella lost a toe lik tat la... Tercengat-cengat la... Und? =p
Hmm, I guess that's all I wanna share bout wat happen today.
Till then, ciao~ Bubbye! =)
Hmm, I guess that's all I wanna share bout wat happen today.
Till then, ciao~ Bubbye! =)