Annabelle Movie Review #ILikeYourDoll

Was super excited since earlier this year, knowing that Annabelle movie is going to come out in Oct 2014. I'm a huge fan of James Wan's movies! So how can I miss this movie kan?! =)

Thanks Nuffnang for the tickets though...

Won tickets from Nuffnang to catch premiere screening of Annabelle movie and yeah, always reached lambat, that's why got myself front seats (front seats watching scary movie is no-no okay but thank god, it's not that very scary if not, kena spend money and watch it again cause can't see details of the shots in a frame if seated too front)

This is currently my work's desktop wallpaper
(Yeap, this is how much I love Annabelle)

Well, let's ZOOM in & see if she blinks or not?! :P

Anyways, the film starts with the same opening scene of the film The Conjuring, in which two young women and a young man in 1968 are telling Ed and Lorraine Warren about their experience with the doll that they believe to be haunted, known as Annabelle.

This cheapo prequel to The Conjuring is no great shakes as a horror film, but its little shocks still might give you great shakes -

"Look me in the eyes longer & I shall follow you home!"

"Annabelle" is a spin-off or prequel to the 2013 "The Conjuring" movie but it never really lives up to it's name in any way. (that's in my opinion and my other of my friends too)
Well, maybe because we put high expectation to this movie.. I guess that's why.. 
When a family moves into a new house, they are haunted by a doll that they really wanted in order to complete their collection. (But I have no idea why she love that kind of erm, porcelain dolls... look scary dowh!) What they don't know is that the doll attracts demons & it chooses families to latch onto and torment. Literally something like the oldest horror story in any book. 

"Gosh, they're arguing again about me.. no eyes to see"

"What do you want from me?!"

I love how Annabelle Wallis as 
Mia Gordon is dressed in this movie...
Vintage and always seen in pastel blue, 
yellow, green and that peter pan collar baju...

However, the lighting & some of the shots are very well done and it actually gives some very effective scares jugak la. Well, honestly, I did creep-ed out in few scenes [when she was up at the basement putting some stuff (why la she go that kind of place late mid-night and alone some more la?! ki siao!), that spooky lift that open and close at the freaking same level, staircase scene, the scene where this small girl ran through from one room to another room & also, all thanks to the super loud SFX (sound effects)]. I guess they tried way too hard to top "The Conjuring" but nah.... Well, I wouldn't say this is a bad movie, it just fail at it's overall goal. It could have been better though... I wish... 

Few of the scary scene... when she went to basement alone...

Why la she go basement alone in the middle of the mid night?!
Memang sengaja cari pasal la ni... -_-"

But I like the fact that there are some scenes that will make the viewers think like "I'm pretty sure the doll's head is going to move / Annabelle's eye blink when zoom-ed in or etc" but nah, surprisingly unlike other supernatural horror movie, it's not so easy to predict and yeah, sorry to burst your bubbles, the lovely Annabelle never move at all in the movie except that one part... (part demon carry dia tu yang scary for me where she floated up in the air..)
The movies’ Annabelle is an elaborate, enormous Victorian creature, about the size of a four-year-old, with gaping eyes, blood-red lips and, later, cracks in the skin. Annabelle doesn’t speak and rarely moves. But she has modest telekinetic powers: she can make a chair rock, turn off a TV set, turn on a record player, all in aid of terrifying Mia while her doctor husband John (generically handsome Ward Horton) is away at work. -

Ward Horton as Dr. John Gordon
What a handsome looking doctor... *smirk*

And I've no idea why I compared Annabelle with Child's Play Chucky when watching the movie thinking well, she's not as scary as Chucky... maybe because she don't talk, blink, curse and kill anyone she like I guess... -_-" So, Chucky, don't worry, Annabelle is not going to take your "crown" darling! *if ya know what i mean + smirk smile* :)

"Are you talking about me?"
"Hey Chucky, do you wanna play.... 
hide & seek with me?!"

Seriously?! I have no idea which is more scarier? 

Anyways, here are some of the pictures of Annabelle touring around the world that I found on Instagram and I added some conversation to Annabelle if she can talk. :p (Mostly taken from Warner Bro Italy) How cool is that?! Wish they have it here in Malaysia though... hehe~

"Let's see if they scream while watching my movie or not..
If else fail, I shall run up to their seats 
and give them that scary stare of mine!"

"Whassup?! Nothin'! Just chilling alone at Spanish Steps"

"Trying to make my wishes come true here..."

"Aah... what a beautiful view... wish you were here..."

"I wonder if President gonna like me or not... 
Well, I gotta drop by to say hi at least right?"

"What a freaking hot hot day! Darn it! 
My make up all melting already!
Where the hell is my make up artist?! Hello?!"

"Let's play the 'staring' game shall we?!"

"What a loser! Scriptwriter just ran away 
after I jokingly said I wanted her soul & now
I have to type my own story all by myself... Damn it!" 

"What?! Newspaper said my movie wasn't 
THAT scary after all?! 
What do you mean by that? 
Ain't my face scary enough?! Hello?!"

"Finally, I'm on national TV talking all about me 
interviewing me and not my producer nor my director! 
Well, ask me questions and you shall get the answers of 
what you want to know but beware... there's a price to it..."

"Surprise & Happy Birthday!
I wonder if you can ever sleep after this..."

Anyways, Annabelle doll is REAL and she actually do exist! 

Well, but not as scary as this porcelain doll... The “real” Annabelle doll was actually just a regular 'cute' Raggedy Ann doll, which is locked away in the Ed and Warren's Occult museum in Monroe, Connecticut and blessed twice a month by a Catholic priest.
For more info, you can read it here or check out this FB page where the real Annabelle doll

The real Annabelle doll was given as a birthday present
 by a mother to her daughter, Donna, a nursing student who was turning 28.
Donna's mother purchased the antique Raggedy Ann Doll
 from a hobby store in 1970. 
The Annabelle movie focuses on the vintage doll's existence prior to
Donna's mother purchasing it second-hand at the hobby store,
offering a fictional account of how the demon could have entered the doll.

The real Annabelle doll (right) was actually a Raggedy Ann Doll,
not the porcelain doll shown in the Annabelle movie (left)

Therefore, I've made a decision that this is not another scary 'Chucky' movie! So guys, don't worry, this movie is not super scary at all.. Cuma the sound effects jer that's scary! Don't believe? Go and watch the movie, then tell me if you guys agree with me or not... =)
**I felt The Purge is so much more kan-cheong than Annabelle... :P

Click the play button below to watch the trailers:


Well, I rated this movie 6.5 out of 10 for the cinematography and kudos to the SFX like how they did it in The Conjuring! Love the look of the demon... :)

That's all for Annabelle movie review of mine.

Till then... ciao~



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