No way! Oh NO!

Gosh... my PC monitor at last 'beh' tahan wif me ad... =( it died today serving me the very last day yesterday at 2am... =(

"He is blind ad!" =(
The sign he gave me all the while
before he RIP but I somehow ignore it

Dearest April's PC,

I noe you may not able to read this message bcoz you are ad blind now but I felt better for confessin all my guilt than keepin it to myself... Oh dear, may you now rest in peace... Enjoy urself at heaven wif my other best mate; oldie motherboard and oldie bebola mouse! So sorry that I used you every single nite until I myself 'beh' tahan oni I off you! I tot u can tahan, mana tau, u are much more weaker than I'm... I noe you hav been showin me sign that you felt sick lately, but somehow, I was too busy lately to cure you as I can oni able to spend nite time wif you, so therefore, I used you to the max ignoring that you are actually in need of findin anti-biotics! All I could say now is "Goodbye" and "Thanks a lot" for servin me bout more than 5 years! I'll not be here if you doesnt exist in my life! Bcoz we hav been through so many obstacles (rushin last min assignments until 6 in the morn and more) together! You mean so much to me and my family in our life. I'll always remember you! =)

Once again, thank you so much for serving me and my family for more than 5 years! We are no longer your burden anymore and you are now a free-computer! You may now rest forever! =,(

April Pang
(Your lovely owner)


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